Multifunctional expansion board Basic Learning Kit

  • Multifunctional expansion board Basic Learning Kit
Vendor code: 25604
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105 грн.
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The Basic Learning Kit is a multifunctional expansion board that is designed for beginners learning the Arduino platform, but can also be used to create various projects that require a large variety of sensors and modules. Almost all additional Arduino modules can be connected to this board.

The following components are located on the expansion board: 4 LEDs, a seven-segment four-digit display, an active buzzer, a trimmer resistor, 4 buttons (one of them is for resetting the Arduino board system, and the remaining three can be used to navigate through the device menu, change the threshold value, activate sensors etc.).

An active buzzer is designed to reproduce sound signals. The buzzer is active as there is a built-in generator in its case. When current is applied to the buzzer, its relay coil excites a magnetic field. Under the action of a magnetic field, the relay contacts open. After opening the contacts, the current in the circuit disappears and the magnetic field disappears, after which the springs return to their original position. The process is then repeated as long as current is applied to the circuit. Due to the vibrations of the armature, air vibrations appear, which reproduce the sound of the buzzer. An active buzzer can be used as a siren to notify you of any activity.

The 10 kΩ trimmer is a passive electronic component for fine tuning device parameters. With this resistor, you can change the volume of the buzzer, the sensitivity of the sensors, the brightness of the LEDs, LED display, etc.

Also on the expansion board there are contacts for connecting additional external modules and sensors.

The Bluetooth module, the APC220 radio module and the SYN6288 speech synthesis module are connected to the contacts located near the seven-segment indicator. Pin assignments:

SET: module setting
AUX: module mode
TXD: signal receiving line
RXD: signal transmission line
EN: enable
VCC: supply voltage
GND: ground
An IR sensor is connected to U4, and an LM35 (analog) or DS18B20 (digital) temperature sensor is connected to U5. Pin assignments:

VCC: sensor supply voltage
data line
GND: ground
The following components can be connected to the pin terminals: DHT11 and DHT22 humidity and temperature sensors, SG90 and MG90S servo drives, etc.

GND: ground
VCC: supply voltage
data line
The connected sensors and modules correspond to the following pins on the expansion board:

D2: IR (infrared sensor)
D3: sound emitter
D5, D6, D9: external sensors
D10 - D13: LEDs
A0: trimmer
A1 - A3: tact buttons
A4: LM35 and DS18B20 temperature sensors
A5: analog sensors
The circuit is easy to use and minimizes the risk of failure of the elements if they are connected incorrectly. There are also 2 jumpers (J1 and J2) on the expansion board. When connecting an analog LM35 sensor, jumper J1 is removed, and when connecting a digital sensor DS18B20, both jumpers remain in place.

The Arduino IDE has some necessary libraries that are needed for the sensors to work properly.

The module is powered by an Arduino board or other microcontroller device. The supply voltage range is 3.3 to 5 V.

Module Specifications:

Supply voltage, V 3.3 / 5
Speech synthesis SYN6288
APC220 radio module
Temperature sensor LM35 /DS18B20
Module dimensions, mm 69 x 53.5

Device typeArduino expansion modules
Brand nameCHINA
Weight g.25

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