Relay RES47 RF4.500.407-02.01

  • Relay RES47 RF4.500.407-02.01
Vendor code: 27266
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60 грн.
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RES-47 RF4.500.407-02.01 sealed, two-position, single-stable DC relay is designed for switching DC and AC electrical circuits with a frequency of 50-2500 Hz.

Technical characteristics of the relay RES-47 RF4.500.407-02.01:
• Winding resistance, Ohm ...... 585-715;
• Operate current, mA ...... 21;
• Release current, mA ...... 2.5;
• Operating voltage, V ...... 21.5-34;
• Insulation resistance between current-carrying elements, current-carrying elements and housing:
- in normal climatic conditions ...... not less than 200 MΩ;
- in conditions of high humidity ...... not less than 10 MOhm;
- at maximum temperature ...... not less than 50 MΩ;
• Dielectric strength of insulation under normal climatic conditions:
- between current-carrying elements ...... not less than 350 V;
- between current-carrying elements and the case ...... not less than 500 V

Contact set2 switches
Winding supply currentConstant
Working voltage, V21,5...34
Maximum switching voltage250v
Working current, A2
Winding resistance, Ohm640
Number of windings1
Brand nameСНГ
Weight g.8
Factory packaging10 pieces.
Mounting typeDIP

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